

It is important to find a career doing something you find satisfying. While there are many factors to consider when deciding on a career path (like education, 工资*, 时间表, 和工作环境), it is equally important to ask yourself whether you will enjoy the day to day responsibilities of your chosen career. If you are like many other individuals who have found themselves entertaining the thought of a career in healthcare because they enjoy aiding others back to health, you might want to consider a career as a physical therapist assistant (PTA).


利用他们的知识和同情心, PTAs are able to help their patients heal holistically by using exercise, 运动和对人体的复杂理解. 与其他bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全行业不同, physical therapist assistants have the unique opportunity to create meaningful relationships with their patients through regularly 时间表d sessions. Many aspiring medical workers find the direct patient relationship the most appealing aspect of a career in healthcare. 也, because physical therapy assistants spend a considerable amount of time with patients, 重要的是,他们能够与他们产生共鸣. For many, the more direct relationships with patients makes the job that much more rewarding.


A career as a physical therapist assistant isn’t only a rewarding experience on an emotional level but on a financial level as well. 最近报道的 工资中位数 家长会的费用是56美元,610, which sounds even more appealing considering it is one of the quickest degrees to complete with many students earning their way to the field in just 2 short years! The demand for PTAs is also in good health as it is projected to grow 到2026年将达到31%,远远高于平均水平. 稳定的增长和惊人的低 失业率为2%.4%因此,它被列为美国最具竞争力的城市也就不足为奇了 最好的医疗支持工作.


Starting on the path to a career as a physical therapy assistant starts in the classroom. 教师助教必须从认证的大学获得副学士学位 物理治疗项目. 同时攻读物理治疗师助理学位, you will learn the required skills needed for you to immediately begin your healthcare career upon graduation. 平均毕业时间只有21个月, you’ll be able to quickly jump into this rewarding and in-demand career. 你还在等什么? 联系bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全 今天开始!